from deemix.utils import removeDuplicateArtists, removeFeatures from deemix.types.Artist import Artist from deemix.types.Date import Date from deemix.types.Picture import Picture from deemix.types import VARIOUS_ARTISTS class Album: def __init__(self, alb_id="0", title="", pic_md5=""): = alb_id self.title = title self.pic = Picture(pic_md5, "cover") self.artist = {"Main": []} self.artists = [] self.mainArtist = None = Date() self.dateString = "" self.trackTotal = "0" self.discTotal = "0" self.embeddedCoverPath = "" self.embeddedCoverURL = "" self.explicit = False self.genre = [] self.barcode = "Unknown" self.label = "Unknown" self.copyright = "" self.recordType = "album" self.bitrate = 0 self.rootArtist = None self.variousArtists = None self.playlistID = None self.owner = None self.isPlaylist = False def parseAlbum(self, albumAPI): self.title = albumAPI['title'] # Getting artist image ID # ex: art_pic = albumAPI['artist'].get('picture_small') if art_pic: art_pic = art_pic[art_pic.find('artist/') + 7:-24] else: art_pic = "" self.mainArtist = Artist( albumAPI['artist']['id'], albumAPI['artist']['name'], "Main", art_pic ) if albumAPI.get('root_artist'): art_pic = albumAPI['root_artist']['picture_small'] art_pic = art_pic[art_pic.find('artist/') + 7:-24] self.rootArtist = Artist( albumAPI['root_artist']['id'], albumAPI['root_artist']['name'], "Root", art_pic ) for artist in albumAPI['contributors']: isVariousArtists = str(artist['id']) == VARIOUS_ARTISTS isMainArtist = artist['role'] == "Main" if isVariousArtists: self.variousArtists = Artist( art_id = artist['id'], name = artist['name'], role = artist['role'] ) continue if artist['name'] not in self.artists: self.artists.append(artist['name']) if isMainArtist or artist['name'] not in self.artist['Main'] and not isMainArtist: if not artist['role'] in self.artist: self.artist[artist['role']] = [] self.artist[artist['role']].append(artist['name']) self.trackTotal = albumAPI['nb_tracks'] self.recordType = albumAPI.get('record_type', self.recordType) self.barcode = albumAPI.get('upc', self.barcode) self.label = albumAPI.get('label', self.label) self.explicit = bool(albumAPI.get('explicit_lyrics', False)) release_date = albumAPI.get('release_date') if 'physical_release_date' in albumAPI: release_date = albumAPI['physical_release_date'] if release_date: = release_date[8:10] = release_date[5:7] = release_date[0:4] self.discTotal = albumAPI.get('nb_disk', "1") self.copyright = albumAPI.get('copyright', "") if self.pic.md5 == "": if albumAPI.get('md5_image'): self.pic.md5 = albumAPI['md5_image'] elif albumAPI.get('cover_small'): # Getting album cover MD5 # ex: alb_pic = albumAPI['cover_small'] self.pic.md5 = alb_pic[alb_pic.find('cover/') + 6:-24] if albumAPI.get('genres') and len(albumAPI['genres'].get('data', [])) > 0: for genre in albumAPI['genres']['data']: self.genre.append(genre['name']) def makePlaylistCompilation(self, playlist): self.variousArtists = playlist.variousArtists self.mainArtist = playlist.mainArtist self.title = playlist.title self.rootArtist = playlist.rootArtist self.artist = playlist.artist self.artists = playlist.artists self.trackTotal = playlist.trackTotal self.recordType = playlist.recordType self.barcode = playlist.barcode self.label = playlist.label self.explicit = playlist.explicit = self.discTotal = playlist.discTotal self.playlistID = playlist.playlistID self.owner = playlist.owner self.pic = playlist.pic self.isPlaylist = True def removeDuplicateArtists(self): """Removes duplicate artists for both artist array and artists dict""" (self.artist, self.artists) = removeDuplicateArtists(self.artist, self.artists) def getCleanTitle(self): """Removes featuring from the album name""" return removeFeatures(self.title)