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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Lukáš Kucharczyk 60d3ba6569
order platforms by name
Django CI/CD / test (push) Successful in 1m4s Details
Django CI/CD / build-and-push (push) Successful in 1m51s Details
2024-09-14 20:19:30 +02:00
Lukáš Kucharczyk bcb845adac
remove css cruft 2024-09-14 20:19:20 +02:00
Lukáš Kucharczyk bd222f253e
add more icons 2024-09-14 20:19:14 +02:00
7 changed files with 17 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -3188,10 +3188,6 @@ textarea:disabled:is(.dark *) {
border-end-end-radius: 0.5rem;
.\[\&_\:last-child\]\:text-right :last-child {
text-align: right;
.\[\&_a\]\:underline a {
text-decoration-line: underline;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
<c-svg title="Epic Games Store" viewbox="0 0 50 50">
<c-vars title="Epic Games Store" />
<c-svg :title=title viewbox="0 0 50 50">
<c-slot name="path">
M 10 3 C 6.69 3 4 5.69 4 9 L 4 41.240234 L 25 47.539062 L 46 41.240234 L 46 9 C 46 5.69 43.31 3 40 3 L 10 3 z M 11 8 L 15 8 L 15 11 L 11 11 L 11 18 L 14 18 L 14 21 L 11 21 L 11 28 L 15 28 L 15 31 L 11 31 C 9.34 31 8 29.66 8 28 L 8 11 C 8 9.34 9.34 8 11 8 z M 17 8 L 23 8 C 24.66 8 26 9.34 26 11 L 26 18 C 26 19.66 24.66 21 23 21 L 20 21 L 20 31 L 17 31 L 17 8 z M 28 8 L 31 8 L 31 31 L 28 31 L 28 8 z M 36 8 L 39 8 C 40.66 8 42 9.34 42 11 L 42 15 L 39 15 L 39 11 L 36 11 L 36 28 L 39 28 L 39 24 L 42 24 L 42 28 C 42 29.66 40.66 31 39 31 L 36 31 C 34.34 31 33 29.66 33 28 L 33 11 C 33 9.34 34.34 8 36 8 z M 20 11 L 20 18 L 23 18 L 23 11 L 20 11 z M 9 34 L 13 34 C 13.55 34 14 34.45 14 35 L 14 36 L 13 36 L 13 35.25 C 13 35.11 12.89 35 12.75 35 L 9.25 35 C 9.11 35 9 35.11 9 35.25 L 9 38.75 C 9 38.89 9.11 39 9.25 39 L 12.75 39 C 12.89 39 13 38.89 13 38.75 L 13 38 L 12 38 L 12 37 L 14 37 L 14 39 C 14 39.55 13.55 40 13 40 L 9 40 C 8.45 40 8 39.55 8 39 L 8 35 C 8 34.45 8.45 34 9 34 z M 18 34 L 19 34 L 22 40 L 21 40 L 20.5 39 L 16.5 39 L 16 40 L 15 40 L 18 34 z M 23 34 L 24 34 L 26 38 L 28 34 L 29 34 L 29 40 L 28 40 L 28 36 L 26.5 39 L 25.5 39 L 24 36 L 24 40 L 23 40 L 23 34 z M 30 34 L 35 34 L 35 35 L 31 35 L 31 36.5 L 33 36.5 L 33 37.5 L 31 37.5 L 31 39 L 35 39 L 35 40 L 30 40 L 30 34 z M 37 34 L 41 34 C 41.55 34 42 34.45 42 35 L 42 35.5 L 41 35.5 L 41 35.25 C 41 35.11 40.89 35 40.75 35 L 37.25 35 C 37.11 35 37 35.11 37 35.25 L 37 36.25 C 37 36.39 37.11 36.5 37.25 36.5 L 41 36.5 C 41.55 36.5 42 36.95 42 37.5 L 42 39 C 42 39.55 41.55 40 41 40 L 37 40 C 36.45 40 36 39.55 36 39 L 36 38.5 L 37 38.5 L 37 38.75 C 37 38.89 37.11 39 37.25 39 L 40.75 39 C 40.89 39 41 38.89 41 38.75 L 41 37.75 C 41 37.61 40.89 37.5 40.75 37.5 L 37 37.5 C 36.45 37.5 36 37.05 36 36.5 L 36 35 C 36 34.45 36.45 34 37 34 z M 18.5 35 L 17 38 L 20 38 L 18.5 35 z

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<c-icon.nintendo />

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<c-vars title="Nintendo" />
<c-svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<c-slot name="path">
M0 .6h7.1l9.85 15.9V.6H24v22.8h-7.04L7.06 7.5v15.9H0V.6

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<c-vars title="Playstation 1" />
<c-svg viewBox="0 0 50 50">
<c-slot name="path">
M 19.3125 4 C 19.011719 4 18.707031 3.988281 18.40625 4.1875 C 18.105469 4.386719 18 4.699219 18 5 L 18 41.59375 C 18 41.992188 18.289063 42.394531 18.6875 42.59375 L 26.6875 45 L 27 45 C 27.199219 45 27.394531 44.914063 27.59375 44.8125 C 27.894531 44.613281 28 44.300781 28 44 L 28 13.40625 C 28.601563 13.707031 29 14.300781 29 15 L 29 26.09375 C 29 26.394531 29.199219 26.804688 29.5 26.90625 C 29.699219 27.007813 31.199219 27.90625 34 27.90625 C 36.699219 27.90625 40 26.414063 40 19.3125 C 40 13.613281 36.8125 9.292969 31.3125 7.59375 Z M 17 26.40625 L 5.90625 30.40625 L 4.3125 31 C 1.613281 32.101563 0 33.886719 0 35.6875 C 0 39.488281 2.699219 41.6875 7.5 41.6875 C 10.101563 41.6875 13.300781 41.113281 17 39.8125 L 17 36 C 16.101563 36.300781 15.113281 36.699219 14.3125 37 C 12.710938 37.601563 11.5 37.8125 10.5 37.8125 C 9 37.8125 8.300781 37.300781 8 37 C 7.601563 36.699219 7.398438 36.3125 7.5 35.8125 C 7.601563 34.8125 8.800781 33.894531 11 33.09375 C 11.5 32.894531 14.898438 31.699219 17 31 Z M 36.5 28.90625 C 34.101563 29.007813 31.601563 29.394531 29 30.09375 L 29 34.6875 C 30.101563 34.289063 31.585938 33.800781 33.6875 33 C 38.488281 31.300781 40.492188 31.488281 41.09375 31.6875 C 42.292969 31.789063 42.800781 32.5 43 33 C 43.5 34.5 41.613281 35.1875 38.8125 36.1875 C 37.511719 36.6875 31.898438 38.6875 29 39.6875 L 29 44.3125 L 44.5 38.8125 L 45.6875 38.3125 C 47.6875 37.613281 50.199219 36.300781 50 34 C 49.898438 31.800781 47.210938 30.695313 45.3125 30.09375 C 42.511719 29.195313 39.5 28.804688 36.5 28.90625 Z

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
< />

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ def list_platforms(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse:
context: dict[Any, Any] = {}
page_number = request.GET.get("page", 1)
limit = request.GET.get("limit", 10)
platforms = Platform.objects.order_by("-created_at")
platforms = Platform.objects.order_by("name")
page_obj = None
if int(limit) != 0:
paginator = Paginator(platforms, limit)