from datetime import date from typing import Any, Generator, TypeVar from common.components import Popover def safe_division(numerator: int | float, denominator: int | float) -> int | float: """ Divides without triggering division by zero exception. Returns 0 if denominator is 0. """ try: return numerator / denominator except ZeroDivisionError: return 0 def safe_getattr(obj: object, attr_chain: str, default: Any | None = None) -> object: """ Safely get the nested attribute from an object. Parameters: obj (object): The object from which to retrieve the attribute. attr_chain (str): The chain of attributes, separated by dots. default: The default value to return if any attribute in the chain does not exist. Returns: The value of the nested attribute if it exists, otherwise the default value. """ attrs = attr_chain.split(".") for attr in attrs: try: obj = getattr(obj, attr) except AttributeError: return default return obj def truncate(input_string: str, length: int = 30, ellipsis: str = "…") -> str: return ( (f"{input_string[:length-len(ellipsis)]}{ellipsis}") if len(input_string) > 30 else input_string ) def truncate_with_popover(input_string: str) -> str: if (truncated := truncate(input_string)) != input_string: return Popover(wrapped_content=truncated, popover_content=input_string) else: return input_string T = TypeVar("T", str, int, date) def generate_split_ranges( value_list: list[T], split_points: list[T] ) -> Generator[tuple[T, T], None, None]: for x in range(0, len(split_points) + 1): if x == 0: start = 0 elif x >= len(split_points): start = value_list.index(split_points[x - 1]) + 1 else: start = value_list.index(split_points[x - 1]) + 1 try: end = value_list.index(split_points[x]) except IndexError: end = len(value_list) yield (value_list[start], value_list[end - 1])