from typing import Any from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required from django.core.paginator import Paginator from django.db.models import Prefetch, Q from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404, redirect, render from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.urls import reverse from common.components import ( A, Button, Div, Form, Icon, LinkedPurchase, NameWithIcon, Popover, PopoverTruncated, PurchasePrice, ) from common.time import ( dateformat, durationformat, durationformat_manual, format_duration, local_strftime, timeformat, ) from common.utils import build_dynamic_filter, safe_division, truncate from games.forms import GameForm from games.models import Game, Purchase from games.views.general import use_custom_redirect @login_required def list_games(request: HttpRequest, search_string: str = "") -> HttpResponse: context: dict[Any, Any] = {} page_number = request.GET.get("page", 1) limit = request.GET.get("limit", 10) games = Game.objects.order_by("-created_at") page_obj = None search_string = request.GET.get("search_string", search_string) if search_string != "": filters = [ Q(name__icontains=search_string), Q(sort_name__icontains=search_string), Q(platform__name__icontains=search_string), ] try: year_value = int(search_string) except ValueError: year_value = None if year_value: filters.append(Q(year_released=year_value)) search_string_parts = search_string.split() # only search for status if it exactly matches and is the only word if len(search_string_parts) == 1: if search_string.title() in Game.Status.labels: search_status = Game.Status[search_string.upper()] filters.append(Q(status=search_status)) games = games.filter(build_dynamic_filter(filters, "|")) if int(limit) != 0: paginator = Paginator(games, limit) page_obj = paginator.get_page(page_number) games = page_obj.object_list context = { "title": "Manage games", "page_obj": page_obj or None, "elided_page_range": ( page_obj.paginator.get_elided_page_range( page_number, on_each_side=1, on_ends=1 ) if page_obj else None ), "data": { "header_action": Div( children=[ Form( children=[ render_to_string( "cotton/search_field.html", { "id": "search_string", "search_string": search_string, }, ) ] ), A([], Button([], "Add game"), url="add_game"), ], attributes=[("class", "flex justify-between")], ), "columns": [ "Name", "Sort Name", "Year", "Status", "Wikidata", "Created", "Actions", ], "rows": [ [ NameWithIcon(, PopoverTruncated( game.sort_name if game.sort_name is not None and != game.sort_name else "(identical)" ), game.year_released, render_to_string( "cotton/gamestatus.html", {"status": game.status, "slot": game.get_status_display()}, ), game.wikidata, local_strftime(game.created_at, dateformat), render_to_string( "cotton/button_group.html", { "buttons": [ { "href": reverse("edit_game", args=[]), "slot": Icon("edit"), "color": "gray", }, { "href": reverse("delete_game", args=[]), "slot": Icon("delete"), "color": "red", }, ] }, ), ] for game in games ], }, } return render(request, "list_purchases.html", context) @login_required def add_game(request: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: context: dict[str, Any] = {} form = GameForm(request.POST or None) if form.is_valid(): game = if "submit_and_redirect" in request.POST: return HttpResponseRedirect( reverse("add_purchase_for_game", kwargs={"game_id":}) ) else: return redirect("list_games") context["form"] = form context["title"] = "Add New Game" context["script_name"] = "add_game.js" return render(request, "add_game.html", context) @login_required def delete_game(request: HttpRequest, game_id: int) -> HttpResponse: game = get_object_or_404(Game, id=game_id) game.delete() return redirect("list_sessions") @login_required @use_custom_redirect def edit_game(request: HttpRequest, game_id: int) -> HttpResponse: context = {} purchase = get_object_or_404(Game, id=game_id) form = GameForm(request.POST or None, instance=purchase) if form.is_valid(): return redirect("list_sessions") context["title"] = "Edit Game" context["form"] = form return render(request, "add.html", context) @login_required def view_game(request: HttpRequest, game_id: int) -> HttpResponse: game = Game.objects.get(id=game_id) nongame_related_purchases_prefetch: Prefetch[Purchase] = Prefetch( "related_purchases", queryset=Purchase.objects.exclude(type=Purchase.GAME).order_by( "date_purchased" ), to_attr="nongame_related_purchases", ) game_purchases_prefetch: Prefetch[Purchase] = Prefetch( "purchases", queryset=Purchase.objects.filter(type=Purchase.GAME).prefetch_related( nongame_related_purchases_prefetch ), to_attr="game_purchases", ) purchases = game.purchases.order_by("date_purchased") sessions = game.sessions session_count = sessions.count() session_count_without_manual = game.sessions.without_manual().count() if sessions.exists(): playrange_start = local_strftime(sessions.earliest().timestamp_start, "%b %Y") latest_session = sessions.latest() playrange_end = local_strftime(latest_session.timestamp_start, "%b %Y") playrange = ( playrange_start if playrange_start == playrange_end else f"{playrange_start} — {playrange_end}" ) else: playrange = "N/A" latest_session = None total_hours = float(format_duration(sessions.total_duration_unformatted(), "%2.1H")) total_hours_without_manual = float( format_duration(sessions.calculated_duration_unformatted(), "%2.1H") ) purchase_data: dict[str, Any] = { "columns": ["Name", "Type", "Date", "Price", "Actions"], "rows": [ [ LinkedPurchase(purchase), purchase.get_type_display(), purchase.date_purchased.strftime(dateformat), PurchasePrice(purchase), render_to_string( "cotton/button_group.html", { "buttons": [ { "href": reverse("edit_purchase", args=[]), "slot": Icon("edit"), "color": "gray", }, { "href": reverse("delete_purchase", args=[]), "slot": Icon("delete"), "color": "red", }, ] }, ), ] for purchase in purchases ], } sessions_all = game.sessions.order_by("-timestamp_start") last_session = None if sessions_all.exists(): last_session = sessions_all.latest() session_count = sessions_all.count() session_paginator = Paginator(sessions_all, 5) page_number = request.GET.get("page", 1) session_page_obj = session_paginator.get_page(page_number) sessions = session_page_obj.object_list session_data: dict[str, Any] = { "header_action": Div( children=[ A( url="add_session", children=Button( icon=True, size="xs", children=[Icon("play"), "LOG"], ), ), A( url=reverse( "list_sessions_start_session_from_session", args=[], ), children=Popover(, children=[ Button( icon=True, color="gray", size="xs", children=[ Icon("play"), truncate(f"{}"), ], ) ], ), ) if last_session else "", ], ), "columns": ["Game", "Date", "Duration", "Actions"], "rows": [ [ NameWithIcon(, ), f"{local_strftime(session.timestamp_start)}{f' — {local_strftime(session.timestamp_end, timeformat)}' if session.timestamp_end else ''}", ( format_duration(session.duration_calculated, durationformat) if session.duration_calculated else f"{format_duration(session.duration_manual, durationformat_manual)}*" ), render_to_string( "cotton/button_group.html", { "buttons": [ { "href": reverse( "list_sessions_end_session", args=[] ), "slot": Icon("end"), "title": "Finish session now", "color": "green", "hover": "green", } if session.timestamp_end is None # this only works without leaving an empty # a element and wrong rounding of button edges # because we check if button.href is not None # in the button group component else {}, { "href": reverse("edit_session", args=[]), "slot": Icon("edit"), "color": "gray", }, { "href": reverse("delete_session", args=[]), "slot": Icon("delete"), "color": "red", }, ] }, ), ] for session in sessions ], } context: dict[str, Any] = { "game": game, "playrange": playrange, "purchase_count": game.purchases.count(), "session_average_without_manual": round( safe_division( total_hours_without_manual, int(session_count_without_manual) ), 1, ), "session_count": session_count, "sessions": sessions, "title": f"Game Overview - {}", "hours_sum": total_hours, "purchase_data": purchase_data, "session_data": session_data, "session_page_obj": session_page_obj, "session_elided_page_range": ( session_page_obj.paginator.get_elided_page_range( page_number, on_each_side=1, on_ends=1 ) if session_page_obj and session_count > 5 else None ), } request.session["return_path"] = request.path return render(request, "view_game.html", context)