from random import choices as random_choices from string import ascii_lowercase from typing import Any, Callable from django.template import TemplateDoesNotExist from django.template.defaultfilters import floatformat from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.urls import NoReverseMatch, reverse from django.utils.safestring import SafeText, mark_safe from common.utils import truncate from games.models import Game, Purchase, Session HTMLAttribute = tuple[str, str | int | bool] HTMLTag = str def Component( attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [], template: str = "", tag_name: str = "", ) -> HTMLTag: if not tag_name and not template: raise ValueError("One of template or tag_name is required.") if isinstance(children, str): children = [children] childrenBlob = "\n".join(children) if len(attributes) == 0: attributesBlob = "" else: attributesList = [f'{name}="{value}"' for name, value in attributes] # make attribute list into a string # and insert space between tag and attribute list attributesBlob = f" {' '.join(attributesList)}" tag: str = "" if tag_name != "": tag = f"<{tag_name}{attributesBlob}>{childrenBlob}</{tag_name}>" elif template != "": tag = render_to_string( template, {name: value for name, value in attributes} | {"slot": mark_safe("\n".join(children))}, ) return mark_safe(tag) def randomid(seed: str = "", length: int = 10) -> str: return seed + "".join(random_choices(ascii_lowercase, k=length)) def Popover( popover_content: str, wrapped_content: str = "", wrapped_classes: str = "", children: list[HTMLTag] = [], attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], ) -> str: if not wrapped_content and not children: raise ValueError("One of wrapped_content or children is required.") id = randomid() return Component( attributes=attributes + [ ("id", id), ("wrapped_content", wrapped_content), ("popover_content", popover_content), ("wrapped_classes", wrapped_classes), ], children=children, template="cotton/popover.html", ) def PopoverTruncated( input_string: str, popover_content: str = "", popover_if_not_truncated: bool = False, length: int = 30, ellipsis: str = "…", endpart: str = "", ) -> str: """ Returns `input_string` truncated after `length` of characters and displays the untruncated text in a popover HTML element. The truncated text ends in `ellipsis`, and optionally an always-visible `endpart` can be specified. `popover_content` can be specified if: 1. It needs to be always displayed regardless if text is truncated. 2. It needs to differ from `input_string`. """ if (truncated := truncate(input_string, length, ellipsis, endpart)) != input_string: return Popover( wrapped_content=truncated, popover_content=popover_content if popover_content else input_string, ) else: if popover_content and popover_if_not_truncated: return Popover( wrapped_content=input_string, popover_content=popover_content if popover_content else "", ) else: return input_string def A( attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [], url: str | Callable[..., Any] = "", ): """ Returns the HTML tag "a". "url" can either be: - URL (string) - path name passed to reverse() (string) - function """ additional_attributes = [] if url: if type(url) is str: try: url_result = reverse(url) except NoReverseMatch: url_result = url elif callable(url): url_result = url() else: raise TypeError("'url' is neither str nor function.") additional_attributes = [("href", url_result)] return Component( tag_name="a", attributes=attributes + additional_attributes, children=children ) def Button( attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [], size: str = "base", icon: bool = False, color: str = "blue", ): return Component( template="cotton/button.html", attributes=attributes + [("size", size), ("icon", icon), ("color", color)], children=children, ) def Div( attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [], ): return Component(tag_name="div", attributes=attributes, children=children) def Input( type: str = "text", attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [], ): return Component( tag_name="input", attributes=attributes + [("type", type)], children=children ) def Form( action="", method="get", attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [], ): return Component( tag_name="form", attributes=attributes + [("action", action), ("method", method)], children=children, ) def Icon( name: str, attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [], ): try: result = Component(template=f"cotton/icon/{name}.html", attributes=attributes) except TemplateDoesNotExist: result = Icon(name="unspecified", attributes=attributes) return result def LinkedPurchase(purchase: Purchase) -> SafeText: link = reverse("view_purchase", args=[int(]) link_content = "" popover_content = "" game_count = popover_if_not_truncated = False if game_count == 1: link_content += popover_content = link_content if game_count > 1: if link_content += f"{}" popover_content += f"<h1>{}</h1><br>" else: link_content += f"{game_count} games" popover_if_not_truncated = True popover_content += f""" <ul class="list-disc list-inside"> {"".join(f"<li>{}</li>" for game in} </ul> """ icon = purchase.platform.icon if game_count == 1 else "unspecified" if link_content == "": raise ValueError("link_content is empty!!") a_content = Div( [("class", "inline-flex gap-2 items-center")], [ Icon( icon, [("title", "Multiple")], ), PopoverTruncated( input_string=link_content, popover_content=mark_safe(popover_content), popover_if_not_truncated=popover_if_not_truncated, ), ], ) return mark_safe(A(url=link, children=[a_content])) def NameWithIcon( name: str = "", platform: str = "", game_id: int = 0, session_id: int = 0, purchase_id: int = 0, linkify: bool = True, emulated: bool = False, ) -> SafeText: create_link = False link = "" platform = None if (game_id != 0 or session_id != 0 or purchase_id != 0) and linkify: create_link = True if session_id: session = Session.objects.get(pk=session_id) emulated = session.emulated game_id = if purchase_id: purchase = Purchase.objects.get(pk=purchase_id) game_id = if game_id: game = Game.objects.get(pk=game_id) name = name or platform = game.platform link = reverse("view_game", args=[int(game_id)]) content = Div( [("class", "inline-flex gap-2 items-center")], [ Icon( platform.icon, [("title",], ) if platform else "", Icon("emulated", [("title", "Emulated")]) if emulated else "", PopoverTruncated(name), ], ) return mark_safe( A( url=link, children=[content], ) if create_link else content, ) def PurchasePrice(purchase) -> str: return Popover( popover_content=f"{floatformat(purchase.price)} {purchase.price_currency}", wrapped_content=f"{floatformat(purchase.converted_price)} {purchase.converted_currency}", wrapped_classes="underline decoration-dotted", )