{% extends "base.html" %} {% block title %}{{ title }}{% endblock title %} {% load static %} {% block content %}

{{ game.name }} (#{{ game.pk }}) {% url 'edit_game' game.id as edit_url %} {% include 'components/edit_button.html' with edit_url=edit_url %}

{{ total_hours }} total {{ session_average }} avg ({{ first_session.timestamp_start | date:"M Y"}} — {{ last_session.timestamp_start | date:"M Y"}})

Editions ({{ editions.count }})

Purchases ({{ purchases.count }})

Sessions ({{ sessions.count }}) {% url 'start_game_session' game.id as add_session_link %} {% include 'components/button.html' with title="Start new session" text="New" link=add_session_link %}

Notes ({{ sessions_with_notes.count }})

{% endblock content %}