118 lines
3.3 KiB
118 lines
3.3 KiB
from random import choices as random_choices
from string import ascii_lowercase
from typing import Any, Callable
from django.template.loader import render_to_string
from django.urls import NoReverseMatch, reverse
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
HTMLAttribute = tuple[str, str | int | bool]
HTMLTag = str
def Component(
attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [],
children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [],
template: str = "",
tag_name: str = "",
) -> HTMLTag:
if not tag_name and not template:
raise ValueError("One of template or tag_name is required.")
if isinstance(children, str):
children = [children]
childrenBlob = "\n".join(children)
attributesList = [f'{name} = "{value}"' for name, value in attributes]
attributesBlob = " ".join(attributesList)
tag: str = ""
if tag_name != "":
tag = f"<a {attributesBlob}>{childrenBlob}</a>"
elif template != "":
tag = render_to_string(
{name: value for name, value in attributes}
| {"slot": mark_safe("\n".join(children))},
return mark_safe(tag)
def randomid(seed: str = "", length: int = 10) -> str:
return seed + "".join(random_choices(ascii_lowercase, k=length))
def Popover(
popover_content: str,
wrapped_content: str = "",
children: list[HTMLTag] = [],
attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [],
) -> str:
if not wrapped_content and not children:
raise ValueError("One of wrapped_content or children is required.")
id = randomid()
return Component(
+ [
("id", id),
("wrapped_content", wrapped_content),
("popover_content", popover_content),
def A(
attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [],
children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [],
url: str | Callable[..., Any] = "",
Returns the HTML tag "a".
"url" can either be:
- URL (string)
- path name passed to reverse() (string)
- function
additional_attributes = []
if url:
if type(url) is str:
url_result = reverse(url)
except NoReverseMatch:
url_result = url
elif callable(url):
url_result = url()
raise TypeError("'url' is neither str nor function.")
additional_attributes = [("href", url_result)]
return Component(
tag_name="a", attributes=attributes + additional_attributes, children=children
def Button(
attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [],
children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [],
size: str = "base",
icon: bool = False,
color: str = "blue",
return Component(
attributes=attributes + [("size", size), ("icon", icon), ("color", color)],
def Div(
attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [],
children: list[HTMLTag] | HTMLTag = [],
return Component(tag_name="div", attributes=attributes, children=children)
def Icon(
name: str,
attributes: list[HTMLAttribute] = [],
return Component(template=f"cotton/icon/{name}.html", attributes=attributes)