A leftover from when there was only the A component function, this bug was not found earlier because we used templates instead of tags most of the time.
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<c-svg title="Xbox/GamePass" viewbox="0 0 30 30">
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M 15 3 C 13.051 3 10.635984 3.6181719 8.8339844 4.7011719 C 8.7039844 4.7771719 8.3470625 5.0221406 8.1640625 5.2441406 L 8.1640625 5.2460938 C 9.8830625 3.3500938 14.893 7.3485937 15 7.4335938 L 15 7.4355469 C 15.107 7.3505469 20.116938 3.3520937 21.835938 5.2460938 C 21.651937 5.0240937 21.295063 4.780125 21.164062 4.703125 C 19.363063 3.622125 17.254953 3 15.001953 3 L 15 3 z M 7.4414062 6.1035156 C 7.0363594 6.1687656 6.5830625 6.4272031 6.1953125 6.8457031 C 4.2123125 8.9867031 3 11.850047 3 14.998047 C 3 18.106507 4.1826933 20.935533 6.1210938 23.066406 C 5.4850937 19.988406 6.0637812 17.819047 7.8007812 14.998047 C 9.5407813 12.174047 12.599609 8.9980469 12.599609 8.9980469 C 10.075609 6.6150469 8.2821719 6.1885156 7.8261719 6.1035156 C 7.7061719 6.0810156 7.5764219 6.0817656 7.4414062 6.1035156 z M 6.1210938 23.066406 C 6.1210938 23.066406 6.1210938 23.068359 6.1210938 23.068359 L 6.1210938 23.070312 C 8.3160938 25.482313 11.494953 27 15.001953 27 C 18.518953 27 21.684859 25.485219 23.880859 23.074219 L 23.880859 23.072266 C 25.818859 20.940266 27 18.109 27 15 C 27 11.852 25.788687 8.9896563 23.804688 6.8476562 C 23.287688 6.2896563 22.653828 6.0154687 22.173828 6.1054688 C 21.718828 6.1914688 19.924391 6.618 17.400391 9 C 17.400391 9 20.459219 12.176 22.199219 15 C 23.935219 17.822 24.514906 19.990359 23.878906 23.068359 C 23.872906 23.033359 23.629672 21.45375 22.013672 19.21875 C 20.750672 17.47575 17 13.300391 15 11.400391 C 13 13.300391 9.2493281 17.471797 7.9863281 19.216797 C 6.3703281 21.449797 6.1270937 23.030406 6.1210938 23.066406 z