Ownership, platform, device
Lukáš Kucharczyk edited this page 2023-02-18 20:16:43 +00:00

A few examples and how they related to the ownership, platform, and device information:

The . notation identifies which entity is the information attached to.

Game bought on the Nintendo Switch store, it's the emulated original SNES version:

Game.Name: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Game.Platform: SNES
Edition.Name: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Edition.Platform: SNES (emulated)
Purchase.Platform: Nintendo Switch Online
Purchase.Ownership_Type: Rented
Session.Device: Nintendo Switch

The same game but pirated and played on PC in an emulator.

Game.Name: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Game.Platform: SNES
Edition.Name: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Edition.Platform: SNES (emulated)
Purchase.Platform: N/A
Purchase.Ownership_Type: Pirated
Session.Device: PC

Physical copy of a game played on the Playstation 4.

Game.Name: Ghost of Tsushima
Game.Platform: Playstation 4
Edition.Name: Ghost of Tsushima
Edition.Platform: Playstation 4
Purchase.Platform: Playstation 4
Purchase.Ownership_Type: Physical
Session.Device: Playstation 5

A digital upgrade of the physical copy for the Playstation 5.

Game.Name: Ghost of Tsushima
Game.Platform: Playstation 4
Edition.Name: Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut
Edition.Platform: Playstation 5
Purchase.Platform: Playstation 5
Purchase.Ownership_Type: Digital Upgrade
Session.Device: Playstation 5