Fix non-working script
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
// @downloadURL
// @match http*://*/album/*
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require mbimport.js
// @require logger.js
// @require mbimportstyle.js
// @icon
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM.xmlHttpRequest
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
// Logger
var LOGGER = (function () {
let LOG_LEVEL = 'info';
function fnDebug() {
if (LOG_LEVEL == 'debug') {
_log('DEBUG', arguments);
function fnInfo() {
if (LOG_LEVEL == 'debug' || LOG_LEVEL === 'info') {
_log('INFO', arguments);
function fnError() {
_log('ERROR', arguments);
function fnSetLevel(level) {
LOG_LEVEL = level;
// --------------------------------------- privates ----------------------------------------- //
function _log(level, args) {
// Prepends log level to things that will be logged
args =;
try {
console.log.apply(this, args);
} catch (e) {
// do nothing
// ---------------------------------- expose publics here ------------------------------------ //
return {
debug: fnDebug,
info: fnInfo,
error: fnError,
setLevel: fnSetLevel,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
// MusicBrainz Import helper functions
* How to use this module?
* - First build a release object (see expected format below) that you'll fill in from source of data
* - Call as follows, e.g.:
* var parameters = MBImport.buildFormParameters(parsedRelease, optionalEditNote);
* - Then build the HTML that you'll inject into source site page:
* var formHtml = MBImport.buildFormHTML(parameters);
* - Addinionally, you can inject a search link to verify that the release is not already known by MusicBrainz:
* var linkHtml = MBImport.buildSearchLink(parsedRelease);
* Expected format of release object:
* release = {
* title,
* artist_credit,
* type,
* status,
* secondary_types,
* language,
* script,
* packaging,
* country,
* year,
* month,
* day,
* labels = [ { name, mbid, catno }, ... ],
* barcode,
* comment,
* annotation,
* urls = [ {url, link_type }, ... ],
* discs = [
* {
* title,
* format,
* tracks = [
* { number, title, duration, artist_credit },
* ...
* ]
* },
* ...
* ],
* }
* where 'artist_credit' has the following format:
* artist_credit = [
* {
* credited_name,
* artist_name,
* mbid,
* joinphrase
* },
* ...
* ]
var MBImport = (function () {
// --------------------------------------- publics ----------------------------------------- //
let special_artists = {
various_artists: {
name: 'Various Artists',
mbid: '89ad4ac3-39f7-470e-963a-56509c546377',
unknown: {
name: '[unknown]',
mbid: '125ec42a-7229-4250-afc5-e057484327fe',
let url_types = {
purchase_for_download: 74,
download_for_free: 75,
discogs: 76,
purchase_for_mail_order: 79,
other_databases: 82,
stream_for_free: 85,
license: 301,
function fnSpecialArtist(key, ac) {
let credited_name = '';
let joinphrase = '';
if (typeof ac !== 'undefined') {
joinphrase = ac.joinphrase;
return {
artist_name: special_artists[key].name,
credited_name: credited_name,
joinphrase: joinphrase,
mbid: special_artists[key].mbid,
// compute HTML of search link
function fnBuildSearchLink(release) {
let parameters = searchParams(release);
let url_params = [];
parameters.forEach(function (parameter) {
let value = `${parameter.value}`;
return `<a class="musicbrainz_import" href="//${url_params.join('&')}">Search in MusicBrainz</a>`;
// compute HTML of search button
function fnBuildSearchButton(release) {
let parameters = searchParams(release);
let html = `<form class="musicbrainz_import musicbrainz_import_search" action="//" method="get" target="_blank" accept-charset="UTF-8" charset="${document.characterSet}">`;
parameters.forEach(function (parameter) {
let value = `${parameter.value}`;
html += `<input type='hidden' value='${value.replace(/'/g, ''')}' name='${}'/>`;
html += '<button type="submit" title="Search for this release in MusicBrainz (open a new tab)"><span>Search in MB</span></button>';
html += '</form>';
return html;
function fnSearchUrlFor(type, what) {
type = type.replace('-', '_');
let params = [`query=${luceneEscape(what)}`, `type=${type}`, 'indexed=1'];
return `//${params.join('&')}`;
// compute HTML of import form
function fnBuildFormHTML(parameters) {
// Build form
let innerHTML = `<form class="musicbrainz_import musicbrainz_import_add" action="//" method="post" target="_blank" accept-charset="UTF-8" charset="${document.characterSet}">`;
parameters.forEach(function (parameter) {
let value = `${parameter.value}`;
innerHTML += `<input type='hidden' value='${value.replace(/'/g, ''')}' name='${}'/>`;
innerHTML +=
'<button type="submit" title="Import this release into MusicBrainz (open a new tab)"><img src="//" /><span>Import into MB</span></button>';
innerHTML += '</form>';
return innerHTML;
// build form POST parameters that MB is waiting
function fnBuildFormParameters(release, edit_note) {
// Form parameters
let parameters = new Array();
appendParameter(parameters, 'name', release.title);
// Release Artist credits
buildArtistCreditsFormParameters(parameters, '', release.artist_credit);
if (release['secondary_types']) {
for (let i = 0; i < release.secondary_types.length; i++) {
appendParameter(parameters, 'type', release.secondary_types[i]);
appendParameter(parameters, 'status', release.status);
appendParameter(parameters, 'language', release.language);
appendParameter(parameters, 'script', release.script);
appendParameter(parameters, 'packaging', release.packaging);
// ReleaseGroup
appendParameter(parameters, 'release_group', release.release_group_mbid);
// Date + country
appendParameter(parameters, 'country',;
if (!isNaN(release.year) && release.year != 0) {
appendParameter(parameters, 'date.year', release.year);
if (!isNaN(release.month) && release.month != 0) {
appendParameter(parameters, 'date.month', release.month);
if (!isNaN( && != 0) {
appendParameter(parameters, '',;
// Barcode
appendParameter(parameters, 'barcode', release.barcode);
// Disambiguation comment
appendParameter(parameters, 'comment', release.comment);
// Annotation
appendParameter(parameters, 'annotation', release.annotation);
// Label + catnos
if (Array.isArray(release.labels)) {
for (let i = 0; i < release.labels.length; i++) {
let label = release.labels[i];
appendParameter(parameters, `labels.${i}.name`,;
appendParameter(parameters, `labels.${i}.mbid`, label.mbid);
if (label.catno != 'none') {
appendParameter(parameters, `labels.${i}.catalog_number`, label.catno);
// URLs
if (Array.isArray(release.urls)) {
for (let i = 0; i < release.urls.length; i++) {
let url = release.urls[i];
appendParameter(parameters, `urls.${i}.url`, url.url);
appendParameter(parameters, `urls.${i}.link_type`, url.link_type);
// Mediums
let total_tracks = 0;
let total_tracks_with_duration = 0;
let total_duration = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < release.discs.length; i++) {
let disc = release.discs[i];
appendParameter(parameters, `mediums.${i}.format`, disc.format);
appendParameter(parameters, `mediums.${i}.name`, disc.title);
// Tracks
for (let j = 0; j < disc.tracks.length; j++) {
let track = disc.tracks[j];
appendParameter(parameters, `mediums.${i}.track.${j}.number`, track.number);
appendParameter(parameters, `mediums.${i}.track.${j}.name`, track.title);
let tracklength = '?:??';
let duration_ms = hmsToMilliSeconds(track.duration);
if (!isNaN(duration_ms)) {
tracklength = duration_ms;
total_duration += duration_ms;
appendParameter(parameters, `mediums.${i}.track.${j}.length`, tracklength);
appendParameter(parameters, `mediums.${i}.track.${j}.recording`, track.recording);
buildArtistCreditsFormParameters(parameters, `mediums.${i}.track.${j}.`, track.artist_credit);
// Guess release type if not given
if (!release.type && release.title && total_tracks == total_tracks_with_duration) {
release.type = fnGuessReleaseType(release.title, total_tracks, total_duration);
appendParameter(parameters, 'type', release.type);
// Add Edit note parameter
appendParameter(parameters, 'edit_note', edit_note);
return parameters;
// Convert a list of artists to a list of artist credits with joinphrases
function fnArtistCredits(artists_list) {
let artists = (item) {
return { artist_name: item };
if (artists.length > 2) {
let last = artists.pop();
last.joinphrase = '';
let prev = artists.pop();
prev.joinphrase = ' & ';
for (let i = 0; i < artists.length; i++) {
artists[i].joinphrase = ', ';
} else if (artists.length == 2) {
artists[0].joinphrase = ' & ';
let credits = [];
// re-split artists if featuring or vs
|||| (item) {
let c = item.artist_name.replace(/\s*\b(?:feat\.?|ft\.?|featuring)\s+/gi, ' feat. ');
c = c.replace(/\s*\(( feat. )([^\)]+)\)/g, '$1$2');
c = c.replace(/\s*\b(?:versus|vs\.?)\s+/gi, ' vs. ');
c = c.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
let splitted = c.split(/( feat\. | vs\. )/);
if (splitted.length == 1) {
credits.push(item); // nothing to split
} else {
let new_items = [];
let n = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < splitted.length; i++) {
if (n && (splitted[i] == ' feat. ' || splitted[i] == ' vs. ')) {
new_items[n - 1].joinphrase = splitted[i];
} else {
new_items[n++] = {
artist_name: splitted[i].trim(),
joinphrase: '',
new_items[n - 1].joinphrase = item.joinphrase;
|||| (newit) {
return credits;
// Try to guess release type using number of tracks, title and total duration (in millisecs)
function fnGuessReleaseType(title, num_tracks, duration_ms) {
if (num_tracks < 1) return '';
let has_single = !!title.match(/\bsingle\b/i);
let has_EP = !!title.match(/\bEP\b/i);
if (has_single && has_EP) {
has_single = false;
has_EP = false;
let perhaps_single = (has_single && num_tracks <= 4) || num_tracks <= 2;
let perhaps_EP = has_EP || (num_tracks > 2 && num_tracks <= 6);
let perhaps_album = num_tracks > 8;
if (isNaN(duration_ms)) {
// no duration, try to guess with title and number of tracks
if (perhaps_single && !perhaps_EP && !perhaps_album) return 'single';
if (!perhaps_single && perhaps_EP && !perhaps_album) return 'EP';
if (!perhaps_single && !perhaps_EP && perhaps_album) return 'album';
return '';
let duration_mn = duration_ms / (60 * 1000);
if (perhaps_single && duration_mn >= 1 && duration_mn < 7) return 'single';
if (perhaps_EP && duration_mn > 7 && duration_mn <= 30) return 'EP';
if (perhaps_album && duration_mn > 30) return 'album';
return '';
// convert HH:MM:SS or MM:SS to milliseconds
function hmsToMilliSeconds(str) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line use-isnan */
if (typeof str == 'undefined' || str === null || str === NaN || str === '') return NaN;
if (typeof str == 'number') return str;
let t = str.split(':');
let s = 0;
let m = 1;
while (t.length > 0) {
s += m * parseInt(t.pop(), 10);
m *= 60;
return s * 1000;
// convert ISO8601 duration (limited to hours/minutes/seconds) to milliseconds
// format looks like PT1H45M5.789S (note: floats can be used)
function fnISO8601toMilliSeconds(str) {
let regex = /^PT(?:(\d*\.?\d*)H)?(?:(\d*\.?\d*)M)?(?:(\d*\.?\d*)S)?$/,
m = str.replace(',', '.').match(regex);
if (!m) return NaN;
return (3600 * parseFloat(m[1] || 0) + 60 * parseFloat(m[2] || 0) + parseFloat(m[3] || 0)) * 1000;
function fnMakeEditNote(release_url, importer_name, format, home = '') {
return `Imported from ${release_url}${format ? ` (${format})` : ''} using ${importer_name} import script from ${home}`;
// --------------------------------------- privates ----------------------------------------- //
function appendParameter(parameters, paramName, paramValue) {
if (!paramValue) return;
parameters.push({ name: paramName, value: paramValue });
function luceneEscape(text) {
let newtext = text.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?~:\\^!"\/]/g, '\\$&');
return newtext.replace('&&', '&&').replace('||', '||');
function buildArtistCreditsFormParameters(parameters, paramPrefix, artist_credit) {
if (!artist_credit) return;
for (let i = 0; i < artist_credit.length; i++) {
let ac = artist_credit[i];
appendParameter(parameters, `${paramPrefix}artist_credit.names.${i}.name`, ac.credited_name);
appendParameter(parameters, `${paramPrefix}artist_credit.names.${i}`, ac.artist_name);
appendParameter(parameters, `${paramPrefix}artist_credit.names.${i}.mbid`, ac.mbid);
if (typeof ac.joinphrase != 'undefined' && ac.joinphrase != '') {
appendParameter(parameters, `${paramPrefix}artist_credit.names.${i}.join_phrase`, ac.joinphrase);
function searchParams(release) {
let params = [];
const totaltracks = release.discs.reduce((acc, { tracks }) => acc + tracks.length, 0);
let release_artist = '';
for (let i = 0; i < release.artist_credit.length; i++) {
let ac = release.artist_credit[i];
release_artist += ac.artist_name;
if (typeof ac.joinphrase != 'undefined' && ac.joinphrase != '') {
release_artist += ac.joinphrase;
} else {
if (i != release.artist_credit.length - 1) release_artist += ', ';
let query =
`artist:(${luceneEscape(release_artist)})` +
` release:(${luceneEscape(release.title)})` +
` tracks:(${totaltracks})${ ? ` country:${}` : ''}`;
appendParameter(params, 'query', query);
appendParameter(params, 'type', 'release');
appendParameter(params, 'advanced', '1');
return params;
// ---------------------------------- expose publics here ------------------------------------ //
return {
buildSearchLink: fnBuildSearchLink,
buildSearchButton: fnBuildSearchButton,
buildFormHTML: fnBuildFormHTML,
buildFormParameters: fnBuildFormParameters,
makeArtistCredits: fnArtistCredits,
guessReleaseType: fnGuessReleaseType,
hmsToMilliSeconds: hmsToMilliSeconds,
ISO8601toMilliSeconds: fnISO8601toMilliSeconds,
makeEditNote: fnMakeEditNote,
searchUrlFor: fnSearchUrlFor,
URL_TYPES: url_types,
SPECIAL_ARTISTS: special_artists,
specialArtist: fnSpecialArtist,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
function _add_css(css) {
document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style>${css.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')}</style>`);
function MBImportStyle() {
let css_import_button = `
.musicbrainz_import button {
font-size:12px !important;
padding:3px 6px;
border: 1px solid rgba(180,180,180,0.8) !important;
background-color: rgba(240,240,240,0.8) !important;
color: #334 !important;
height: 26px ;
.musicbrainz_import button:hover {
background-color: rgba(250,250,250,0.9) !important;
.musicbrainz_import button:active {
background-color: rgba(170,170,170,0.8) !important;
.musicbrainz_import button img {
vertical-align: middle !important;
margin-right: 4px !important;
height: 16px;
.musicbrainz_import button span {
min-height: 16px;
display: inline-block;
img[src*=""] {
display: inline-block;
function MBSearchItStyle() {
let css_search_it = `
.mb_valign {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
.mb_searchit {
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
background-color: #FFF7BE;
border: 0px;
vertical-align: top;
font-size: 11px;
text-align: center;
a.mb_search_link {
color: #888;
text-decoration: none;
a.mb_search_link small {
font-size: 8px;
.mb_searchit a.mb_search_link:hover {
color: darkblue;
.mb_wrapper {
display: inline-block;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
// Class MBLinks : query MusicBrainz for urls and display links for matching urls
// The main method is searchAndDisplayMbLink()
// Example:
// $(document).ready(function () {
// var mblinks = new MBLinks('EXAMPLE_MBLINKS_CACHE', 7*24*60); // force refresh of cached links once a week
// var artist_link = 'http://' + window.location.href.match( /^https?:\/\/(.*)\/album\/.+$/i)[1];
// mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(artist_link, 'artist', function (link) { $('div#there').before(link); } );
// var album_link = 'http://' + window.location.href.match( /^https?:\/\/(.*\/album\/.+)$/i)[1];
// mblinks.searchAndDisplayMbLink(album_link, 'release', function (link) { $('div#there').after(link); } );
// }
// user_cache_key = textual key used to store cached data in local storage
// version = optionnal version, to force creation of a cache (ie. when format of keys changes)
// expiration = time in minutes before an entry is refreshed, value <= 0 disables cache reads, if undefined or false, use defaults
var MBLinks = function (user_cache_key, version, expiration) {
this.supports_local_storage = (function () {
try {
return !!localStorage.getItem;
} catch (e) {
return false;
this.ajax_requests = {
// properties: "key": {handler: function, next: property, context: {}}
first: '',
last: '',
empty: function () {
return this.first == '';
push: function (key, handler, context) {
if (key in this) {
this[key].handler = handler;
this[key].context = context;
} else {
this[key] = { handler: handler, next: '', context: context };
if (this.first == '') {
this.first = this.last = key;
} else {
this[this.last].next = key;
this.last = key;
shift: function () {
if (this.empty()) {
let key = this.first;
let handler = this[key].handler;
let context = this[key].context;
this.first = this[key].next;
delete this[key]; // delete this property
return $.proxy(handler, context);
this.cache = {};
this.expirationMinutes = typeof expiration != 'undefined' && expiration !== false ? parseInt(expiration, 10) : 90 * 24 * 60; // default to 90 days
let cache_version = 2;
this.user_cache_key = user_cache_key;
this.cache_key = `${this.user_cache_key}-v${cache_version}${typeof version != 'undefined' ? `.${version}` : ''}`;
this.mb_server = '//';
// overrides link title and img src url (per type), see createMusicBrainzLink()
this.type_link_info = {
release_group: {
title: 'See this release group on MusicBrainz',
place: {
img_src: `<img src="${this.mb_server}/static/images/entity/place.svg" height=16 width=16 />`,
this.initAjaxEngine = function () {
let ajax_requests = this.ajax_requests;
setInterval(function () {
if (!ajax_requests.empty()) {
let request = ajax_requests.shift();
if (typeof request === 'function') {
}, 1000);
this.initCache = function () {
if (!this.supports_local_storage) return;
// Check if we already added links for this content
this.cache = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(this.cache_key) || '{}');
// remove old entries
// remove old cache versions
this.saveCache = function () {
if (!this.supports_local_storage) return;
try {
localStorage.setItem(this.cache_key, JSON.stringify(this.cache));
} catch (e) {
this.removeOldCacheVersions = function () {
let to_remove = [];
for (var i = 0, len = localStorage.length; i < len; ++i) {
let key = localStorage.key(i);
if (key.indexOf(this.user_cache_key) === 0) {
if (key != this.cache_key) {
// we don't want to remove current cache
// remove old cache keys
for (var i = 0; i < to_remove.length; i++) {
this.clearCacheExpired = function () {
//var old_cache_entries = Object.keys(this.cache).length;
//console.log("clearCacheExpired " + old_cache_entries);
let now = new Date().getTime();
let new_cache = {};
let that = this;
$.each(this.cache, function (key, value) {
if (that.is_cached(key)) {
new_cache[key] = that.cache[key];
//var new_cache_entries = Object.keys(new_cache).length;
//console.log("Cleared cache entries: " + old_cache_entries + ' -> ' + new_cache_entries);
this.cache = new_cache;
this.is_cached = function (key) {
return (
this.cache[key] &&
this.expirationMinutes > 0 &&
new Date().getTime() < this.cache[key].timestamp + this.expirationMinutes * 60 * 1000
// Search for ressource 'url' in local cache, and return the matching MBID if there's only matching MB entity.
// If the url is not known by the cache, no attempt will be made to request the MusicBrainz webservice, in order to keep this method synchronous.
this.resolveMBID = function (key) {
if (this.is_cached(key) && this.cache[key].urls.length == 1) {
return this.cache[key].urls[0].slice(-36);
this.createMusicBrainzLink = function (mb_url, _type) {
let title = `See this ${_type} on MusicBrainz`;
let img_url = `${this.mb_server}/static/images/entity/${_type}.svg`;
let img_src = `<img src="${img_url}" height=16 width=16 />`;
// handle overrides
let ti = this.type_link_info[_type];
if (ti) {
if (ti.title) title = ti.title;
if (ti.img_url) img_url = ti.img_url;
if (ti.img_src) img_src = ti.img_src;
return `<a href="${mb_url}" title="${title}">${img_src}</a> `;
// Search for ressource 'url' on MB, for relation of type 'mb_type' (artist, release, label, release-group, ...)
// and call 'insert_func' function with matching MB links (a tag built in createMusicBrainzLink) for each
// entry found
this.searchAndDisplayMbLink = function (url, mb_type, insert_func, key) {
let mblinks = this;
let _type = mb_type.replace('-', '_'); // underscored type
if (!key) key = url;
if (this.is_cached(key)) {
$.each(mblinks.cache[key].urls, function (idx, mb_url) {
insert_func(mblinks.createMusicBrainzLink(mb_url, _type));
} else {
// webservice query url
let query = `${mblinks.mb_server}/ws/2/url?resource=${encodeURIComponent(url)}&inc=${mb_type}-rels`;
// Merge with previous context if there's already a pending ajax request
let handlers = [];
if (query in mblinks.ajax_requests) {
handlers = mblinks.ajax_requests[query].context.handlers;
// key
// handler
function () {
let ctx = this; // context from $.proxy()
let mbl = ctx.mblinks;
$.getJSON(ctx.query, function (data) {
if ('relations' in data) {
mbl.cache[ctx.key] = {
timestamp: new Date().getTime(),
urls: [],
$.each(data['relations'], function (idx, relation) {
if (ctx._type in relation) {
let mb_url = `${mbl.mb_server}/${ctx.mb_type}/${relation[ctx._type]['id']}`;
if ($.inArray(mb_url, mbl.cache[ctx.key].urls) == -1) {
// prevent dupes
$.each(ctx.handlers, function (i, handler) {
handler(mbl.createMusicBrainzLink(mb_url, ctx._type));
// context
key: key, // cache key
handlers: handlers, // list of handlers
mb_type: mb_type, // musicbrainz type ie. release-group
_type: _type, // musicbrainz type '-' replaced, ie. release_group
query: query, // json request url
mblinks: mblinks, // MBLinks object
return this;
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
[[ "${DEBUG:-}" -eq 1 ]] && set -x
declare -a urls
|||| \
|||| \
wget "${urls[@]}"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user