Add vite react #45

lukas wants to merge 42 commits from add-frontend into main
No description provided.
lukas added 1 commit 2023-01-25 10:44:21 +00:00
Add vite react
Some checks failed
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing
lukas added 2 commits 2023-01-25 10:49:25 +00:00
CI: autotag
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
lukas added 12 commits 2023-01-25 16:50:25 +00:00
lukas added 161 commits 2023-11-18 08:23:56 +00:00
Fixes #46
Fixes #47
Closes #48
Closes #49
Properly implements 4d91a76513
Partially fixes #52
Fixes #53
Fixes #8
Fixes #58
Fixes #55
- add counts for each section
- add average hours per session
Fixes #61
Fix #62
Fixes #15
* More fields are now optional. This is to make it easier to add new items in bulk.
  * Game: Wikidata ID
  * Edition: Platform, Year
  * Purchase: Platform
  * Platform: Group
  * Session: Device
* New fields:
  * Game: Year Released
    * To record original year of release
    * Upon migration, this will be set to a year of any of the game's edition that has it set
  * Purchase: Date Finished
* Editions are now unique combination of name and platform
* All finished games
* All finished 2023 games
* All finished games that were purchased this year
* Total sessions
* Days played
* Finished (count)
* Unfinished (count)
* Refunded (count)
* ignore English articles when sorting names
  * added a new sort_name field that gets automatically created
* automatically fill certain values in forms:
  * new game: name and sort name after typing
  * new edition: name and sort name when selecting game
  * new purchase: platform when selecting edition
Fixes #65

def test_specific_precise_if_unncessary(self):
        delta = timedelta(hours=2, minutes=40)
        result = format_duration(delta, "%02.0H:%02.0m")
        self.assertEqual(result, "02:40")
This test fails by returning "03:40" instead. The problem is in the way `format_duration` handles fractional hours.
To fix it, we need to switch between using hours and fractional hours
depending on if minutes are present in the formatted string.
Add created_at to all models
Add modified_at to Session
Get rid of custom now() function
Make sure aware datetime is used everywhere
Add created_at to all models
Add modified_at to Session
Get rid of custom now() function
Make sure aware datetime is used everywhere
Major inspiration (aka direct theft) from
Add django-cors-headers
Some checks reported warnings
Django CI/CD / build-and-push (pull_request) Has been cancelled
lukas force-pushed add-frontend from d6f77c0c19 to fb1f6d2a33 2023-11-18 09:24:12 +00:00 Compare

Replaced by #67

Replaced by #67
lukas closed this pull request 2023-11-18 09:26:55 +00:00

Pull request closed

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Reference: lukas/timetracker#45
No description provided.